
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Preventing Malaria in Africa

It is no longer a secret that if there were no mosquitoes, there would be no malaria. Therefore, the best and the most effective way to prevent malaria (or drastically reduce malaria cases to the barest minimum) is to control mosquitoes. Since the mosquito itself offers little or no ecological or environmental benefits, the suggestions below would make the mosquito an endangered species, as well as prevent human contacts with them. This would in effect, make malaria a rare case.

It is beyond the scope of this short article to explain what malaria is and how it is transmitted; our purpose is to proffer succinct ways of getting rid of mosquitoes, and thus preventing malaria.
Yes, we can get rid of mosquitoes, only if we do not think this is only the responsibility of the government and/or some organizations alone. We must know that this is our collective responsibility. If only we could tackle misquotes/malaria with a sense of responsibility, malaria would be as rare as small pox, which once was a very dreaded and rampant scourge in Africa. Otherwise, the fight against malaria would never be won - no matter how much money is earmarked for the fight. If an AIDS-free generation begins with you, a malaria-free generation also begins with you. 

These are simple but decisive steps that can deal a fatal blow to the existence of mosquitoes and effectively prevent malaria:

1.      Everybody in the community must get rid of stagnant water in or around her/his home.

2.      Everybody in the community should make use of modern toilet facilities and stop indiscriminate pollution of the environment with urine and feces.

3.      Everybody in the community should obey the rules of simple hygiene. Wash your hands with antiseptic/medicated soap after using a toilet, keep your home and its surrounding very clean, get rid of flies and burn/bury organic waste matter.

4.      Everybody in the community should stop contaminating water sources.

5.      Everybody in the community should sleep under an insecticide-treated net.

6.      Everybody in the community should report any case of malaria infection immediately to the nearest hospital for proper diagnosis and effective treatment.

It can be guaranteed that if the rules above are followed faithfully by every member of the community, malaria would become extremely insignificant among the causes of deaths in Africa. By preventing mosquitoes, we can surely prevent malaria.

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